Featured Article
The Connection between your Comfort Zone and Confidence
As humans, we have a universal fear of the unknown. New experiences are intimidating for most of us, and not knowing what to expect leaves us feeling vulnerable.
Confidence at the Virtual Roundtable
Recently, I was contacted by a friend, a professional reporter, who had been given the opportunity to co-host an online roundtable discussion. The number of viewers were impressive (140k+) – the production quality of the [...]
Are You Packed and Ready?
We’ve all heard the saying, “Be ready when opportunity knocks!” I however, have a different take on this saying. I prefer, “When opportunity knocks, be ready to open the door, grab your bags, and bolt through it!”
Mic drop!
In 2010 a miraculous thing happened. Something I called a “game changer.” At the age of 47 years old.... I was cast as the lead in a TV series.
Confidence On The Rocks
During the time period following the end of World War II, around nine months after to be exact, there was a sizable increase in the number of children born. Those of us born within this timeframe are referred to as “baby boomers.”